Why a simple thank you note is still important.

Why a simple thank you note is still important.

Let’s face it, in today’s digital and fast-paced business world, who has the time to sit down and write a thank you note.  Everyone thinks a text or an email is just fine. Well, I’m here to tell you it really isn’t fine.

Because of the hectic nature of the business world today, it’s those business owners that make the time to write a thank you note, that get noticed. They rise above the crowd.

What does this really say about someone? About a company?

It says a lot. First of all, it screams volumes about who you are as a person. You’re conscientious, personable, and approachable. Isn’t that the kind of person you want to work with?

It also says you care about this business relationship and you want to keep it going.  Again, something that’s not readily seen today.  Businesses thrive on communication, good communication. When you receive a thank you note, don’t you feel appreciated? Yes, it’s warm and fuzzy and it goes a long way in cementing those business relationships.  Thank you notes reinforce your commitment to the business relationship.

According to an article written by Shamontiel Vaughn, an eHow contributer, she says, “As an adult working in the business world, courtesy does not change. It should increase.”

So, if you want to send thank you notes to your clients but don’t have the time. I’m such a believer in the simple thank you note that I’m offering my handwriting skills to you. I will personally write them for you and send them off!

Contact me today and we can discuss exactly what you’d like to do.